Putting it all together

I woke up two days ago with a bruise on my arm, dent in the wall and a pounding that felt like the seven dwarfs were mining my brain.  So I decided to quietly call it quits.

I am 30ish and am needing a little change.  That is what I am going to tell myself for these next few days and potentially move on from denial at some point.  Right now though it seems pretty nice, and safe, so I am going to hang out here for a bit.

Recently, my weekend nights have gone a little like this:
go to work all day, get off around 4 pm, meet up with my husband or friends for happy hour or drink at home, eat a little dinner, polish off a bottle of wine — then two.  Wake up Saturday, do a little work (if my headache wasn’t too bad) start drinking around 2pm.  Drink enough wine to sink a small boat, with friends or alone.  I would always make it a little event to look forward to, like going to the park and having wine, putting on an old movie, or trying out a new tasting room.  However, obscure or glamorous I tried to make it, it is still binge drinking.  Sunday would be a hangover followed by a boozy brunch and then would start Sunday Funday, also known as day drinking all day.  In bed wasted around 7pm.

I think it started in college but who really knows… I am sure I have blacked it out along the way.  All I know now is that I am sick and tired of being the drunkest girl at the party, the last one to go home, and the first to pop open a bottle.

2 thoughts on “Putting it all together

  1. I, too, quit because I wanted a little change. I feel better not drinking. For me, the analysis need not go much further. I feel better. Good enough. Whatever gets the job done! You are off to a great start. Kudos!


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